Reserve your own shopping moment for clothing multimedia telecom shoes

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  • 8 persons
  • Closed

REDDY Keukens Waregem

  • Waregem
  • 4 persons
  • Closed


  • Chaumont-Gistoux
  • 1 persons
  • Currently open

Easy reservation, safe shopping

Together we keep the economy running in a COVID-free environment.


Search the shop you wish to visit

Find your desired shop by typing it in the search bar. If the shop is registered, it will come up in the search suggestions.


Select an available timeslot

The information page of your store of choice is accessible via the search results or via popular shops. Complete the details below the title «Book now» to make a reservation.


Receive a reservation code

If your reservation was successful, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with unique code. This might be asked as proof of reservation in the shop.

The advantages as an operator

Using the platform is free. In addition, we bundle as many stores as possible under one roof, which increases the customer's shopping convenience and also gives your store more visibility. The reservations made can be monitored in a user-friendly way and a personalized store poster is also available. This contains, among other things, a QR code to your page, so that passers-by can book quickly and easily as well.